Computers Music

Meet Marzipan

iPod VideoNow that I’ve had her for a week, it’s time for me to introduce the newest member of the family. Meet Marzipan. She’s a 60 gigabyte black iPod Video, named after the Homestar Runner character of the same name. Yes, all my computers have Homestar Runner names.

  • Homestarrunner: the wireless network with WPA encryption
  • Coach-Z: my laptop–Dell Precision Workstation M60
  • The Cheet: Myth box–small Shuttle, hard drive is currently dead
  • Trogdor: my desktop–Athlon XP 2000+
  • MarzipanThe King of Town: the heart of Project 503, my arcade machine–Dell PIII 450
  • Strongbad: Konica-Minolta Magicolor 2300 DL network printer
  • Marzipan: 60 GB iPod Video
  • Homsar (retired): my original Dell Precision M60, which sucked. Horribly.

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