Faith General

In Memory of Martin Luther King

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day. Dr. King is one of the heroes of both the civil rights movement and also of the Christian faith. Dr. King’s commitment to his faith led to one of the best examples of the correct way to mix God and politics that the United States has ever seen. Dr. King was not afraid to step out in faith to seek change that seemed impossible at the time. Even when cast into the public spotlight, Dr. King retained his integrity and remembered that his ultimate goal was to bring glory to God. While started with noble intentions, many recent religious political movements, such as the Religious Right, seem to have lost sight of the ultimate goal in favor of attempting to stay in power continually. Christian politicians today would be well advised to follow Dr. King’s example, instead of attempting to hide their faith or use their seemingly meaningless faith as a trump card in elections.

JR has an excellent post in celebration of Martin Luther King day. The post is largely a sermon that Dr. King preached about the role of faith, prayer, and God. Dr. King’s text is Mark 9:14-29.

Faith General

Goals for Spring 2006

Those of you who have been around me for a while know that I like goals. I am very vision oriented–I believe in having a set direction and establishing a path of how to get there (think Proverbs 29:18). However, I always shy away from making New Year’s resolutions, or for that matter, talking about goals in January, for fear that they will be seen as New Year’s resolutions. I think my fear of New Year’s resolutions comes from the popular perception that new years resolutions by definition have no follow through. I’ve also shied away from making my goals public, probably out of fear that I’ll be held to them. I’m not going to do that this semester. I’ve been contemplating writing this post for several weeks, but thanks to Matt Rogers for giving me the kick in the seat of the pants I needed to actually get the list finalized and posted. Feel free to ask me how I’m doing with any of the goals listed below.

  1. Prayer
    I firmly believe that having an active prayer life is one of the most important parts of being a Christian. While I feel that I’ve improved my prayer life greatly over the past few years and especially over the last semester, I feel that I’m not where I should be with prayer. I also feel that I have dropped the ball on prayer with regards to vtONE. We used to have an prayer team, which is no longer the case. Nearly everything that happened as a result of vtONE this past semester is a direct answer to prayers prayed over the past three years, which is amazing, but it also tells me how important prayer is and how vtONE needs to do more in the area of prayer. Personally, I need to be more consistent about praying for campus transformation, people that are in my life (especially ones that I see infrequently), and my family. I need to do a better job writing down what I’ve been praying for, to make sure that I don’t miss seeing God’s answers to prayers.
  2. Scripture memorization
    Something else that I need to be working on is memorizing more scripture. I figure that I’ve been a Christian for at least 13 years now, and yet I don’t have very much of the Bible memorized. Having Scripture memorized makes handling a lot of situations easier, since you know a truth to apply to the situation. Another plus is that it makes writing or preparing to speak easier–less things that need looking up. This semester, I want to memorize 1 John, plus another passage a week. This week is Matthew 22:36-40.
  3. People
    One of the core values of my church in DC is that “people matter to God and to us.” I firmly believe in that statement, but I’ve done both really good and really bad in that area. Last semester, I was averaging close to a month turn around on personal emails to me–many from people who I consider close friends and mentors. That’s just not acceptable! I’ve done a good job spending time with lots of different people and making myself accessible to my friends, but only the friends who live in close proximity to me. I also haven’t taken enough time to invest myself into many of the people who I have been working with. A lot of that comes down to people who are helping with vtONE, who have not seen near as much of me as they should. I also need to make more of an effort to build relationships with the campus ministers from the ministries that sponsor vtONE.
  4. Personal fitness
    I didn’t want to put this as a goal, because I’ve done a great job of making this a goal and a horrible job of making it happen. However, when I was working on the list earlier, my roommate Justin asked me to go running with him (we ran two miles). I took the hint. Even though I figure I walk between three and five miles on an average day with classes, I am not in as good of shape as I should be. I need to work on establishing healthy habits, because I’m already noticing that my metabolism is starting to slow down. I also feel better when I’ve been exercising regularly.

Again, please feel free to ask me about any or all of these goals (please be specific!). I need the encouragement and accountability!


What a good day

Today has been a really good day. This morning, I managed to get the repair man out to the apartment to take a look at the range. Our large burner has been shooting sparks since November 10, and they’ve known since the next day. They admitted it’s not fixable and will be installing a replacement eventually. Also, they cleaned our refrigerator’s coils, so it supposedly should stop leaking.

I called the traffic court and learned that my speeding ticket is a traffic charge and not a criminal charge. It changes my defense, but at least there’s no chance of it going down as a criminal charg (a very Bad Thing).

A quick shopping trip became a shopping marathon, but I had great success. I was able to sell back most of my text books, start acquiring new ones. I found some cold weather shirts that won’t die in the dryer for under $10 each, a polarizing filter for my camera, several months worth of household/cosmetic supplies, and got to play one of my dream digital pianos. Too bad that I still need to find a short bookshelf and a keyboard stand that’s not being held together with duct tape.

Tonight, I get to hear JR Woodward as part of the first e4 project intensive for the year. JR founded my Blacksburg church and is now pastoring a church in inner city LA. He’s an outstanding speaker, and it’s always cool to hear him in an interactive setting. The topic for tonight is the Kingdom of God, and I hope to ask JR some questions about what the Kingdom of God looks like and what that means for movements like vtONE after the intensive. I ran into JR briefly this afternoon, and the notes that I saw him printing tell me that tonight is going to be outstanding.

Oh, it nearly hit 70 degrees today. I did most of my driving with the sunroof open. The weather says it will snow on Saturday. That’s Blacksburg weather for you!

It may be 40 degrees now, but I just want to let you know that I wore flip flops today. All day!


Is this me?

My friend Michael created a South Park character that he says is me. I don’t know what to think. Use the comments to post your thoughts.



Happy New Year!

Just a short post to let you know I’m still alive. Hope that everyone had a happy and safe new year’s celebration.

I’m starting off on my way to the Passion conference in Nashville. The weather looks like it will be wonderful, and I’m very excited about the conference. If I have internet in the hotel, I’ll try to post some updates and maybe even some pictures.

Faith General

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light,
on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy,
they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest,
as men rejoice when dividing the plunder.

For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.

The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.
Isaiah 9:2-7


Three things

Three things you probably didn’t know about me:

  1. My cell phone is named C-Pochalypse.
  2. Pierce gave me the nickname C-Pochalypse during Physics 2306.
  3. I didn’t learn any physics in Physics 2306.

I’ve been thinking about making posts like this more often (weekly?), where I tell you three loosely related facts about me that you likely didn’t know. If you like it, please leave a comment and tell me to continue.


Break plans

I’ll cut to the chase: my break plans are not final–you can still be part of my break plans!

Friday, December 16 – home after a day of snowboarding at Snowshoe
Monday-Thursday, December 19-22 – working at Digital Sandbox
Thursday, December 22 – extended family Christmas party
Friday, December 23 – catching up with Owen and Christmas Eve Eve service
Saturday, December 24 – Christmas with the family
Sunday, December 25 – Christmas with the not quite as extended family and family friends
Monday, December 26 – after-Christmas sales
Sunday, January 1 – head to Blacksburg
Monday-Thursday, January 2-5 – Passion ’06 in Nashville
Tuesday, January 17 – classes resume

Now the $1 million question: do I stay in Blacksburg from January 5 onward or do I come back and possibly work more and spend more time in the DC area?

Please let me know (call, comment, email, IM, etc) if you want to do something with me during break. I’m up for things in the DC area, Blacksburg, and during Passion (in Nashville).


Yay for sledding!

It’s great sledding on the Blacksburg Municipal golf course. It’s even better when you go at 1am. Now I’m wondering whether I’ll have my exam tomorrow or if it will be pushed until Saturday.

UPDATE: Exams before 1pm were pushed to Saturday. Mine was at 1:05, so I took it and feel good to be done with Digital Design I.


My phone doesn’t like the cold

Just a quick alert to everyone: if you call me and I don’t pick up and I don’t seem to be responding to your voice mails, my phone has probably decided to turn itself off. It seems to do that frequently when I go outside and it’s cold. I’m trying to remember to check that it’s on frequently, but please bear with me.