Current Events Faith General Virginia Tech

Reflections on the Massacre

VT HopeIt’s been a year. It feels so far away, yet it could have been yesterday. The day that my quiet little town of Blacksburg became the center of the world.

From the first I heard – a phone call from my sister saying that something had gone terribly wrong in her dorm – blood everywhere, it seemed unreal. Nothing in the news yet. The suspense was unsettling. Surely something that had my sister so upset would be at least mentioned in the news. Finally, an email. “A shooting incident occurred at West Amber Johnston earlier this morning. Police are on the scene and are investigating.” I never knew so many words could say so little. Perfectly written PR mumbo jumbo. Still nothing in the news.

I’m still not sure what to think when another email arrives. The composure of the first email long gone. The subject was “PLease stay put” with a brief panick-stricken message: “A gunman is loose on campus. Stay in buildings until further notice. Stay away from all windows”. This is not just a shooting incident. God, what is going on?

The day brings back memories of September 11, 2001. A day spent in shock. The pentagon, less than nine miles from where I sat in high school, was the victim of terrorism. I had studied terror, but it was something that happened overseas. This was America after all. In much the same way, I sat in my black office chair staring at the computer screen. Continually pressing the refresh button to see what was going on. Reading news coverage from hundreds of miles away about events going on just blocks from where I was sitting. It seemed the number of the dead just kept rising. First it was one, then four, soon 14, finally rising to 32. The worst massacre in the history of the nation was unfolding in the kind of town you came to in order to escape senseless killings.

As I joined others to reflect that evening, emotions ran raw. There was a lot of crying, even more hugging, and certainly a lot of praying. Still, the whole thing felt artificial, like a movie. Was this really happening? My connections to those who were confirmed dead were limited – just friends of friends. Which kept me somewhat insulated from the events. Don’t get me wrong: I was very glad that my friends were safe. But things still felt unreal. I was able to help support those who were hurting, but I hadn’t grieved for me yet.

A couple days after the massacre – I don’t remember exactly when – everything came together for me. I was looking at more news, watching campuses from across the nation overflow with Hokie spirit. The only way you can understand Hokie spirit is if you spend some time in Blacksburg. It’s something that goes beyond sports and school loyalty. Something I’ve never felt anywhere else, and I’ve been on a lot of college campuses. It was amazing to see the whole country get caught up in a glimpse of this spirit. But the one thing that did it was when I saw a picture that would come to mean more to me than any others over the coming months.

The picture was simple. Not something that you’d want on your living room wall. A picture of a storied bridge two hours up the road. The Beta Bridge in Charlottesville, home of The University of Virginia. One place where Hokies usually aren’t welcome, even though that’s more trash talk than truth. When I saw this picture, I lost it. I cried all those tears that the previous few days had stored up in me. If Hokie spirit can touch UVA, truly anything is possible. I can’t even explain exactly why this picture gets to me, but I still tear up today when I see it.

Beta Bridge

As I grieved and continued to do my best to meet people where they were at, things started to change. I have never felt such a palpable spiritual change in my life. We had seen evil. On that day, there was no denying that evil exists in the world. An evil so dark that we can’t explain it. But what we saw after that is that there is a God who has overcome evil who is in the world. As people started to return to the new normal, people came together. People who had wanted nothing to do with God were suddenly seeing God in the midst of tragedy. The people of God came together and prayed. And on those days God poured out his blessings on us because we simply asked.

Less than two weeks later, many groups from across campus came together to declare that we truly are all here because we’re all needed parts of the body of Christ. A powerful night when many people were finally able to experience true worship again. I will never forget standing on the side of that hill in the heart of downtown Blacksburg where we sang these always powerful words that will never be the same to me again.

Savior he can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Forever, author of salvation
He died and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

Those words were challenging at first to sing on that crisp spring evening. And sometimes they still are. I teared up every time I heard this song even during the summer.

As I reflect on the massacre a year later, I remind myself that evil is very real in this world, but I know a God who has conquered evil and the grave for eternity.


Last night

I was in the west wing of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Faith General

Bringing More Shalom to the Neighborhood

wild rose after rain by Windy AngelsIt’s been a very long time since I last blogged. A lot has happened during that time, including taking a much needed rest from blogging. As much as I like blogging, it can be taxing at times, and so my silence originally came from business, but later became a break as I was adjusting and settling in to the new neighborhood.

Soon (I promise sooner than the last post!), I will write more about the time in the blog silence. However, today I want to share briefly about tonight. A little bit of background: I’ve moved since I last blogged. Up here, we’ve been in a drought. I’ve had to start watering my trees to keep them alive.

Tonight, I went to Frontline. Ken Baugh was in town and shared a message with us that deeply impacted me. Ken taught about prayer. Many of you at Virginia Tech would think that I am a prayer warrior. But the truth is that prayer comes hard for me more often than not. I can pray before meals and before bed, but those times of intimate, heartfelt prayer are things that I have to go at least an extra mile to make happen. I’ve seen God move mountains through prayer and I don’t have a shadow of a doubt in my mind that God answers every prayer that is in line with his heart for the world. I understand that prayer is important, but I am lazy and unmotivated. Tonight, Ken told us that there are three areas to praying powerfully and effectively. If any of these areas are lacking, we will struggle in our prayers.

  1. Have God in the right place
  2. Know and obey God’s word
  3. Pray in faith

I was convicted of not putting God in the right place. As I’ve been in transition, I’ve had a lot more time on my hands than I have had in years. I’m also at an awkward time right now where most of the stuff that I’ve previously been involved with is over and the next chapter of my life hasn’t fully materialized yet. With so much in the air and so little on my plate, I have absolutely no excuse for not putting God in the right place. There never is a good excuse, but when I have only one weekly weeknight commitment, I should have an amazing prayer life instead of a desert prayer life.

As I was debating getting ready for bed this evening, I realized that I needed to do something. It’s not enough to feel convicted if that conviction doesn’t lead you to action. So I decided that I would take some time and pray. I realized that I wasn’t in the right state of mind to pray in the house, so I put on some shoes and started walking.

I prayed as I walked around the neighborhood. As I walked, I remembered prayer walking on the Virginia Tech campus. I remembered walking by the dorms on Otey Street. I remembered walking from McBryde to Burruss, praying for all the students and faculty in each building along the way. As I walked, it started sprinkling, which shortly turned into a full out rain. I thought about turning back, but knew that the plants needed the rain, just like I needed to be out here praying.

I walked around the neighborhood, lifting up the apartments and houses in prayer, repenting for not giving God the role he deserves in my life, praying for people I work with, praying for friends. That’s when I realized that I had a spiritual impact in Blacksburg because I was persistent in prayer. If I want to have a spiritual impact in Vienna and Washington, I need to pray. If I want to see God move in my own neighborhood, I need to invite him to use me here. That rain felt good. A soaking, cleansing rain. Rain that washes away the dry past and marks the start of a green future. I believe that God has big things in store for my generation, and I don’t want this generation to miss some God’s blessing because I wouldn’t do my small part in bringing it to them.

God, send your rain. I don’t want to just know you. I want to make you known, like your son Jesus made you known to us. Change me every day so that I can be the man you want me to be. Have it your way God. Break me out of my comfort zone and give me the strength to put you in the right place, even when it costs me.

Faith General Virginia Tech

This rollercoaster we call life

Rollercoaster photo by user cmx82It’s been one heck of a month for me. I’m in that bittersweet stage where I’m both very glad that my education is almost over while at the same time not wanting to be done.

The week leading up to vtONE was a rollercoaster all by itself. There was so much still to be done going into that week, and we had no idea how to get it all done. God delivered, but was teaching us patience in the process. Saturday night was powerful beyond words. The Holy Spirit was all over Commonwealth Ballroom, and I’m praying that the fire from that night will never be extinguished. The fire has already been contagious–our anointed band has been invited to play at New River Community College because of the fire of God they saw at Virginia Tech this weekend.

God has been faithful in helping me to be productive and get all my work done. Work didn’t bother me at all during the vtONE lead up week. Now, I have all but one of this week’s assignments done. I didn’t expect to be done so fast, and I know that my productivity was a gift from God for some specific reasons. Last night, Tim’s father passed away unexpectedly, and I have been able to dedicate time that I didn’t expect to have (was expecting to be doing classwork) to being there for Tim.

Another way that God was with me during vtONE was by not letting my allergies get into the way. I didn’t have any significant allergy trouble before the worship event, even though the pollen levels were high. This week, I’ve had trouble sleeping, my head feels weird, and I sound like a cow in pain when I attempt to sing. I’m used to being like this in allergy season, so it was a huge relief to get through the vtONE event without feeling anything.

The original house I made an offer on fell through, but I have some more leads on potential houses and house-related stuff. I was feeling somewhat uncertain about moving forward this weekend, but my wise counsel seems to all be in agreement that it’s a good thing for me to do. My hesitation all revolves around on the fact that I’m really not sure where God wants me to be and what I should be doing. I’ve loved almost every minute of my time leading vtONE, whether things were going good or bad, and I don’t want my graduation to mark the end of my ministry. I’m praying about what comes next in my ministry life, but have been getting more questions than answers. And that’s why I’m thankful that I have a great job lined up, since not knowing what to do and being broke would be a bad combination.

I will bless the Lord who guides me;
     even at night my heart instructs me.
I know the Lord is always with me.
     I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.

No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.
     My body rests in safety.
For you will not leave my soul among the dead
     or allow your holy one to rot in the grave.
You will show me the way of life,
     granting me the joy of your presence
     and the pleasures of living with you forever.

Psalm 18:7-11

General Work


Last night, 4.3 degrees here.  Coldest I’ve ever seen in Blacksburg.  Today: several inches of snow and a balmy 28 degrees, also featuring some municipal golf course action.  Also got two job offers from Digital Sandbox today.  It was a good day.

Faith General Sports

Chick-Fil-A Bowl, Atlanta, and Passion 07

The past few days I’ve been in Atlanta.  I drove in on Saturday with Chris for the Chick-Fil-A Bowl, formerly the Peach Bowl.  Unfortunately, our Hokies continued their bowl game tradition of choking.  Still, the game was exciting and well worth attending.

After the game, we headed to Sno’s aunt’s compound for the night.  It’s quite a house, complete with a room designed by Hildy from Trading Spaces.

We’ve done some sightseeing in Atlanta and are currently at Passion 07.  I’m on free wifi during dinner, so I can’t post much now, but I’ll share more once I get back in a few days.

General Photography

Updated gallery

I’ve modified my site so that you can more easily access my photos. Now you can click the gallery link at the top of the left hand side of the screen to go directly to my gallery. I’ll be uploading Christmas photos soon.

Faith General Music Work

Break, Week 1

It’s been more than a week since classes ended. Well, actually, I have an assignment that I need to do sometime this week for one of last semester’s classes (long story), but I’ve enjoyed my week off. Several highlights from this week:

  • SnowshoeSnowshoe – The conditions were the worst I’d ever seen at Snowshoe (only about half open as well), but it was still a blast. Drove up in the morning from Blacksburg, tore up the slopes all day on my board, drove to Washington in the afternoon/evening. I left Snowshoe a little earlier than originally planned because the powder had blown away, revealing ice from their unseasonably warm temperatures and melting/refreezing.

    My trip back took me through Cass, WV (5 miles from Snowshoe–the whole town is a historic park) and also past the Green Bank Radio Telescopefifty story tall Green Bank Radio Telescope (which is the reason cell phones don’t work at Snowshoe–it’s in the national radio quiet zone). Some day, I want to visit both these places. Also saw a beautiful sunset in the Virginia mountains. I even made it to the interstate just as it was getting dark, which made the trip much more enjoyable. I love back roads, but not in the dark.

  • Total Praise gospel song at Frontline – Total Praise is the Frontline choir. On Sunday, they helped lead worship and did an awesome Kirk Franklin gospel song (Now Behold the Lamb). The song was perfect gospel stylistically, the best I’ve ever seen for a choir that doesn’t usually do gospel and doesn’t have many black members.
  • Digital Sandbox – Good to spend four days back with the peeps at Digital Sandbox. Being near to Christmas, the commute wasn’t that bad most mornings. The office is moving closer in come March. I eventually would like to live very close to Washington–perhaps in Arlington, so closer in is good for me.

    National Tree with the White House

  • National Christmas Tree – Monday night, my family took my mom’s parents and sister downtown to see the national tree. Even at night, it was over 50 degrees, which made it one of the most fun times of seeing the tree that I can remember. Although the Yule log isn’t quite as fun when it’s warm out.
  • Annual Cookie Baking – Today was the day of the annual Poch family Rosette making outsidecookie baking. We made molasses cookies a few days ago and today made several batches of cutout sugar cookies and also rosettes. Well, I made most of the rosettes, which we made outside on a little burner to keep the mess out of the kitchen.

Tomorrow, we start the family celebrations mid-afternoon, which will go until Christmas night. Then, a few quieter days with the family, some more celebrations, some shopping, and I’m off to Atlanta for the Peach Bowl (Go Hokies!) and Passion 07.

General Virginia Tech

DONE with another semester!

I’m done with another semester! Just one more to go!

I’m also done with my Christmas shopping and my Christmas wrapping.

Boy does it feel good to be DONE.

I’m hoping to get back into a more regular blogging schedule, now that my life has some sense of normality again.


Wow, I suck at posting

I haven’t been doing a good job of posting.  I’m working to get back into the swing of blogging, but for now, let me say happy thanksgiving!