
Jesus Wept

TearIt’s the shortest verse in the Bible (John 11:35). When I was growing up, it was the memory verse that we always begged our Sunday School teachers to give us. It’s a widely known verse, yet it’s a verse that I don’t think most followers of Christ understand the full significance of. Here, we have Jesus, the son of God crying. The only perfect person in the history of the word spurting tears.

So why was Jesus crying? If you look at the context, the story is the death of Lazarus. All of John 11 talks about Lazarus’ death and Jesus raising him from the dead. Essentially, Jesus that heard that his friend Lazarus was sick. Jesus stayed where he was for two days, then came. When he arrived, Lazarus was already dead. Mary and Martha show Jesus where Lazarus had been buried, and Jesus saw the grave and wept. The story doesn’t end here. Just a few verses later, Lazarus walks out of the tomb on Jesus’ command. When Jesus wept, he knew the next part of the story. He knew that on his command, Lazarus would return to life from death. But I don’t think that it was Lazarus who made Jesus cry.

Mary and Martha had already had several days to mourn Lazarus when Jesus arrived, but with the death of a close friend, I’m sure they were still torn up with grief. At that time, what Mary and Martha needed wasn’t a miracle, but a shoulder to cry on. Jesus knew what came next, but he joined in with his friends in their sorrow, and through that supported them. Jesus, fully God and fully man, used his human emotions to connect with those people who he loved.

And the same is true for followers of Jesus today. When we come to Jesus, he offers us a shoulder to cry on. He also offers us healing and forgiveness, but he comes to us where we’re at and enters into our suffering with us. Taking it to Jesus isn’t the fast solution, but it’s the only way where we can find support in our times of need and hope for the future.

So many times, I’ve set up my life with a fortress to keep God out fearing giving the Almighty power over me. But that’s just what this story is about, recognizing that God is a god of love and he sent his son Jesus into the world so that we could have a more intimate relationship with Him. Jesus’ weeping is our reassurance that God cares about his children and wants to be deeply involved with their lives. Today, let that thought encourage and comfort you.

An excellent talk on this verse was given by my friend John several months ago called Almighty Tears.

Faith General Virginia Tech

It’s funny how things work out sometimes

I had this strong desire to write a few specific things in one of my (paper) journals.  I get the journal out and discover I’ve lost my good pen.  I then realize how bad tomorrow would have been if I had gone through all my classes without a proper writing implement.

It’s small things like these that constantly remind me that God is involved in my life.



PrayerOne of the Christian traditions that many evangelical Christians have never experienced is lent. While this tradition isn’t important to a person’s salvation or anything along those lines, tradition can help us prepare for big celebrations in the life of the church and see that our faith today is part of a larger story that goes back centuries. Here is how the Christian Research Institute describes lent:

Originating in the fourth century of the church, the season of Lent spans 40 weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday and climaxing during Holy Week with Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), Good Friday, and concluding Saturday before Easter. Originally, Lent was the time of preparation for those who were to be baptized, a time of concentrated study and prayer before their baptism at the Easter Vigil, the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord early on Easter Sunday. But since these new members were to be received into a living community of Faith, the entire community was called to preparation. Also, this was the time when those who had been separated from the Church would prepare to rejoin the community.

Today, Lent is marked by a time of prayer and preparation to celebrate Easter . . . The number 40 is connected with many biblical events, but especially with the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for His ministry by facing the temptations that could lead him to abandon his mission and calling. Christians today use this period of time for introspection, self examination, and repentance. (Source)

In the last hundred years, the observance of lent has generally been about giving something up, like meat or chocolate. However, I think a better way to celebrate lent is not to focus on the 40 day period itself, but to use it as a time to start something larger. Maybe you haven’t been at all consistent about praying. Commit to use lent to jump start your prayer life–but don’t stop when lent is over. Maybe you have stuff in your life that seperates you from God. Use lent to get rid of those things and draw closer to God–but don’t let that junk back in when lent is over.

Lent was originally intended to be a time of personal growth, and while simply giving something that you enjoy up for several weeks can remind you of Jesus’ suffering, I feel that it’s more beneficial and more historically accurate to see lent as a time of new beginnings and preparation instead of a period of self denial.

Book Review Faith

Singing Songs

Life TogetherEarlier today, I was reading out of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together. Bonhoeffer was a German pastor during World War II who was martyred for helping escaping Jews and opposing Hitler. I found the following passage particularly meaningful to me. It talks about the reasons for Christians singing songs together. The short of it is that our music unites us in prayer and helps us to learn and understand the Word (scripture).

“Speak to yourselves in psalms and hymn and spiritual songs” (Eph. 5:19). Our song on earth is speech. It is the song Word. Why do Christians sing when they are together? The reason is, quite simply, because in singing together it is possible for them to speak and pray the same Word at the same time . . . The fact that we do not speak it but sing it only expresses the fact that our spoken words are inadequate to express what we want to say, that the burden of our song goes far beyond all human words. Yet we do not hum a melody; we sing words of praise to God, words of thanksgiving, confession, and prayer. Thus the music is completely the servant of the Word. It elucidates the Word in its mystery (Bonhoeffer 59).

Faith Politics

Government and God: Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli

In God we TrustWhat should the role of Christians be in politics? That’s a very tough question to answer, because different situations call for different responses. Also, politics is an area where Christians have been granted a large amount of liberty, so it’s important to remember that different godly people have come to different conclusions here. For discussion purposes, I will simplify the Christian response to politics through case studies of three Christian leaders during the reformation: Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli. While I don’t find these three responses to be exhaustive, they are useful for looking at how we view and respond to politics. Also, to keep things simple, I will only be looking at each leader’s politics, not their theology or historical accomplishments.

Luther believed that the job of Christians is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. To Luther, political action had no place in the church. He believed that since God is in control of all governments, we should leave them to do their job and we’ll do our job of preaching the gospel. We change the world by changing people, not by changing laws. Leaders that parallel Luther today are Billy Graham and Luis Palau.

Calvin’s belief was that the church should use its political rights to influence the government to a more biblical view on issues. The best way to describe Calvin is that he wanted to work inside the system to make the government’s stance and actions more pleasing to God. Calvin didn’t downplay people’s need for transformation and salvation, but believed that people had a responsibility to interact with their governments and believed that it was their Christian duty to persuade the government to act in a God pleasing way. Today, Calvin’s political approach has been represented by Jim Wallis and James Dobson.

Zwingli believed that the church needs to work to bring righteousness to society, to the extent that the church should work for righteousness at all costs, even if it meant taking illegal actions. He died on the battlefield fighting in a Swiss civil war against the catholic states that opposed his teachings. His overwhelming conviction was that Christians need to align society with acting in a biblical manner, regardless of the cost or opposition. In recent history, Zwingli is paralleled by Dietrich Bonehoffer, who was put to death in a Nazi concentration camp after being caught working on plans to assassinate Hitler and for helping Jews to escape.

Now which of these three views is correct? It is possible to biblically defend any of these three views. I’d argue that in most situations, one of these views is more God pleasing than the others. For example, I think the Calvin style approach favored by civil rights leaders in the 1960s was the correct response. A Luther response would not have confronted enough of the root causes that led to the civil rights movement. A Zwingli style movement would have sent the wrong message to the white majority about the character of the oppressed minorities.

Especially when it is hard for us to see all sides of an issue, we need to recognize that our responses to issues have large gray areas and that we need to be respectful of other believers who disagree with us on the best approach (Romans 14:5). For the record, I generally am Luther in that I believe the best way to change people and (indirectly) society is by changing people’s relationship with God. However, there are times when our government’s inaction is pitiful, and I feel that it is appropriate for us to exercise our political rights then. I tend to believe that issues we push in government should be issues that resonate with people outside the church, such as global poverty and the AIDS epidemic.

Christians need to remember that God’s view of the world seems outrageous to those who are not in a relationship with Him (1 Corinthians 1:18). I urge Christians to think before exercising your political rights—by my actions, am I helping to advance the Kingdom of God through taking a stand, or am I making the Kingdom of God look out of touch to those who so desperately need to enter into it?

Thanks to the Fall 2004 politics lifegroup for may of these ideas.  Also thanks to Lon Solomon for his October 12, 2003 sermon “The Government and the Believer”.


All That’s Left Undone

The following text was delivered by Ryan Newcomb in October 2003 at Prepare the Way 2: A vtONE event. It’s a touching story of why it is important that Christians, especially Christian leaders prepare themselves for spiritual attack. If you’re working with the goal of advancing the kingdom of God, you’re working against Satan’s plan, and he’s going to attack you. So often Christians forget of the reality of Satan in the world. Satan has a plan for our lives, just like God does. Satan’s plan is very simple–just to keep us from living out God’s plan.

All That’s Left Undone

I have a friend from back home named Daniel. I first met him when I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. Daniel was 14 and in the 8th grade. Danville is a small town, and, at the time, most churches there were still conservative in their ministries. The concept of youth pastors, vibrant outreach to junior high and high school students, and the modern worship movement were foreign to Danville. But, a few churches were joining the cutting edge at the time, and Daniel’s church was one of them.

The first time I stepped into the “youth room” that housed Xtreme Student Ministries at Third Avenue Congregational Church, I was blown away. There was a Pepsi machine, sofas, lounge chairs, drums, guitars, a ping-pong table, and someone who was actually less than 30 years old preaching the Word of God! Xtreme was amazing, and I longed to be a part of the excitement that it brought me to be there for the first time.

Daniel was one of those natural musicians that just makes me sick! At the time, I had played guitar for a little over 2 years. Much like today, I had to try as hard as I could to be less than average! Daniel, meanwhile, had picked up guitar, bass, and had become a wonderful drummer. With our love for music and our love of acting like complete idiots for the fin of it, we became instant friends.

Perhaps the only thing more amazing than Daniel’s gift on the drums was his faith in Christ and love for other people. I had grown up in church and had accepted Christ when I was 7 years old. Yet, there was something fake about my belief in Christ while there was something genuine and real about Daniel’s. Here was where the challenge to know God who He really is was first handed to me. Not because someone just sat me down and told me to, or because I read it in a book, or because I heard it preached in a sermon. I was challenged to immerse myself into the truth of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit because I saw it lived out each and every day in the life of my friend Daniel. The summer before my senior year, I tried out to play guitar for Xtreme’s praise band aptly named “Weird Fish.” I was fortunate enough to make it as a mediocre guitarist, and the experience became invaluable because all that I learned about worship and music that year are the foundation of why I’m here before you tonight. The relationship that I developed with Daniel and his family also became invaluable. I believe that people are only fortunate enough to call a few others a true friend in this life. And, at 21, I don’t know a whole lot about much of anything. But I do know that Daniel and his family are a prefect picture of what true friends really are.

When me and several of my closest friends graduated from high school, it seemed like the world was turned upside down. There were a few like Daniel who were two years behind us in school who were left behind. Spiritually, Daniel and the others were left to fend for themselves much like I was when I journeyed to Virginia Tech. We had leaned on each other so much that our futures were left dangling as those supports were jerked out from underneath us. Fortunately, I found a wonderful group of brothers and sisters at the Baptist Student Union much like all of you have found at other campus ministry groups here at Tech. Some of my friends were not that lucky, and some of them chose their own way of facing. Daniel was one of those.

About midway through my first semester here, I received some pretty discouraging news: Daniel had started messing with drugs. As innocent as it sounds, he started by tripping on the DXM depressant found in most over-the-counter cough syrups. After giving Daniel the choice, my former youth pastor, Ryan Jasper, had to watch Daniel leave the praise band and eventually church all together because he refused to give up the drugs, the parties, and the instant popularity they had handed this once social outsider. It seems that Satan goes after the ones He knows can do him the most damage. And, Satan always knows exactly where to strike.

The summer after my freshman year, Daniel’s situation had only gotten worse. I went to the beach with he and his family that July. It was there that I discovered that the smile, the joy, and the peaceful spirit that was the Daniel I had come to love and admire was now gone. The world was sucking Daniel dry, and all that remained was something broken and dark. Over the next year, I went to see Daniel when I could. I prayed for him continually, I spoke and prayed regularly with his parents, and never ceased pleading on his behalf. The drugs moved from cough syrup to marijuana to needles of DXM to acid and even to cocaine. Finally, in the fall of 2002, the battle reached its height. Daniel was with a few other guys in the basement of a house. A guy both of us knew from high school, in the midst of days of drugs, handed Daniel a needle and asked Daniel to shoot him up. That was when Daniel broke. After having disappeared for days, Daniel went home in the middle of the night. He walked into his parents’ room and asked them to help him. It was the breakthrough that we had all been praying for.

Yet, the battle for Daniel was just beginning. After a few weeks under psychiatric care, he was released to extensive counseling. We soon learned that Daniel had gotten his long-time girlfriend, Jessica, pregnant, something that Daniel later recounted to me as one of his greatest regrets. As discouraging as that news sounded, it seemed to spark something inside of him. He and Jessica began attending a new church with Daniel’s family. Jessica became a Christian, and, with the help of Christian brothers who shared his struggle and a renewed dependence on the Word of God, Daniel was beginning to turn his life around. He asked Jessica to marry him, and I was to sing at their wedding last May. However, the wedding did not happen. I called the house to talk about the ceremony only to find out Daniel was in the hospital. His parents had found him unconscious from an overdose. All of us were crushed.

I’m not sure what it was about this episode. I don’t know if it was getting so close to losing it all or simply the remembrance of the truth that had lived inside of him all that time. Either way, Daniel emerged from the hospital a new man. Finally, after three years of struggle, the smile, the spirit, and the personality of my dear friend returned.

As some of you may know, I am a singer and a songwriter. By last June, I was 6 months into recording a CD of some of my songs. I had desperately wanted Daniel to play the drums, but I could not have him be a part of a ministry if it wasn’t who he really was. Because of the turnaround in Daniel’s life, I was finally able to do what I had longed to do for quite some time. After a month of being clean and a renewed spirit inside of him, I brought Daniel onboard to record all of the drum tracks for my CD. I hadn’t seen him that excited in a long time. Every time we spoke this summer, he told me how hard he had been working on the songs, and the few drum parts I was able to hear in between our busy work schedules were indeed amazing.

In August, I was taking a short trip to Florida to visit the church I worked at the summer after my sophomore year of college. I was leaving on Saturday, August l and returning on Thursday, August 7th. Daniel and I were going to head to Blacksburg on Friday the 8th to record the drum tracks and to spend of weekend together of good times, a needed break from 3 years of what seemed to be nothing but hard times. Knowing Wednesday with the youth group and driving back on Thursday would be crazy, I called Daniel that Tuesday night in Florida to talk about our plans for leaving on Friday morning. What followed would be the hardest 5 days I’ve had to live in my short time on this earth. The weak voice of a broken Lisa Shelton, Daniel’s mother, told me that Daniel had been missing since the evening of Saturday the 1. The following day, I received word that Daniel had taken his own life. At the age of 19, Daniel was gone.

Two months ago, along with 9 of my closest friends, I laid Daniel on his grave. As a man, I suppose that I was raised not to cry that much. So, it is safe to say that I have never cried like I cried for Daniel.


Please pray for OSU

LoveOSUOhio State University’s prayer movement, LoveOSU, finishes up a week of continuous prayer on Saturday at midnight. They’ve been praying in their prayer house nonstop since last Saturday, and they’re already seeing cool things happen as a result of their prayers. However, they are being spiritually attacked, which confirms that they’re doing God’s will, otherwise, Satan would leave them alone. But at the same time, it really sucks to be under spiritual attack. They could use our prayers for strength to finish out strong. Allison, who is the leader of LoveOSU, has also had her identity stolen this week, and is having to deal with a lot of things related to that.

I was planning to go up to OSU this weekend to check out their prayer house and participate in their week of prayer, but I’m going to wait a few weeks to go up, so that we’re able to have more time with the OSU team and bring more people along from the vtONE team.

Please pray for Allison, Ohio State, and the LoveOSU prayer house. It’s awesome when we take time to lift up others who are crying out to God for his kingdom to become more present here on earth!


Fully surrendering to God

I want to highlight an excellent essay by Brian of Zealous Endeavor on surrendering all areas of our lives to God. He writes:

As we begin to take seriously this life to which we are called, we must surrender wholly to His will, to His leading, to His Word, and to His commands. We must know that it is only by the grace we have received through the cross that we are able to approach Him and seek after Him wholeheartedly. It is “in Him that we live and move and exist” (Acts 17:28). In Him, and by His power, our surrender leads to His name being glorified. There is no greater calling than this, to glorify God through our complete submission, and to make His name known by the simple testimony of His work in our lives.

Ever since picking up Zealous Endeavor through a comment on the 268 blog after Passion 06, I’ve been blessed by Brian’s essays that he shares there. I think that “Wholly Surrendered” is especially well written, and encourage you to check out the full essay.

Book Review Faith

Book review: The Purpose Driven Life

I wrote this post several weeks ago, but never actually posted it. The blog has been silent for a while, so I figured I’d go ahead and post it. Watch for a more substantial post in the next few days.

The Purpose Driven LifeI recently finished reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I had previously read The Purpose driven Church, Warren’s book on church structure and purpose. In The Purpose Driven Life, Warren covers an introduction to why we’re here on earth, and then discusses in greater detail five purposes for our lives:

  1. “Love God with all your heart”: You were planned for God’s pleasure, so your purpose is to love God through worship.
  2. “Love your neighbor as yourself”: You were shaped for serving, so your purpose is to show love for others through ministry.
  3. “Go and make disciples”: You were made for a mission, so your purpose is to share God’s message through evangelism.
  4. “baptize them into . . .”: You were formed for God’s family, so your purpose is to idenify with his church through fellowship.
  5. “teach them to do all things . . .”: You were created to become like Christ, so your purpose is to grow to maturity through discipleship.

(Warren 306)

The book is designed to be used as a 40 day personal devotional, with reflection questions and verses to remember at the end of each of the 40 mini chapters. I thought the book was well put together, and despite Warren’s Southern Baptist background, I agreed with nearly everything he had to say, and where I disagreed, it was always something trivial. This book would be an excellent choice for a new believer or someone who is interested in understanding what it really means to be a Christian. I thought it was a good summary of how to live a life that pleases God.


The anointing on this generation is huge

The more that I look around me, the more I’m amazed by all the awesome things that God is doing on this campus, and all around the country and the world in my generation. I’m not only seeing more and more young leaders accept Christ, but I’m also seeing a passion in this generation to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. I keep running into people who I knew years ago who have now entered the Kingdom of God. “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing” (Matthew 11:12 NIV). How visible that truth is today!

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20 ESV)

Notice that 11 people made an impact on the world that was so radical that it changed the course of history. I recently came across this quote that I think describes things well: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it’s the only thing that ever has” (Margaret Mead). Let’s be the change that this world needs so badly.