I fully intended to post some more information from later parts of the trip, but after the hotels stopped having internet access, I stopped writing about what was going on. I fully intend to go back and add some posts about what happened on the other days of the trip, however we’ll see how fast that happens.
I’m still partly on pacific time, yet I’ve managed to keep my work schedule mostly regular since starting back on Monday.
In other news, it’s hot here. Really hot. It’s 90 degrees right now, but it’s not as bad as it’s been. The humidity is low now, which is unusual for Washington (it’s a filled in swamp). However, the humidity has been really high even for Washington most of the last week. We’ve had 100+ heat indexes most of the week, and it shows no signs of letting up. Maybe this heat wave is to convince me that I’m ready for fall’s cooler temperatures.