
Monday Morning Perspective

Virginia Tech sunriseSo often I don’t feel like getting up in the morning, and I let the day get to me before it even starts. Especially Mondays. Days when I don’t want to be awake are the times when it’s most important to get my focus in the right place. John McGowan has an excellent post about this struggle on his blog today. An excerpt:

Psalm 66 starts this way, “Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; Sing the glory of His name; Make His praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are Your works!” These verses are an invitation and a challenge to me. An invitation to the joy of worship. A challenge – will I choose to worship?

Today, will I choose to worship? Will I use the gifts that God has given me to glorify God through my small actions during the day? Will I be intentionally working to make earth more like heaven?


Awesome weekend

Just a quick post to say that I had an awesome weekend. I had no homework to do, and I had plenty of time for relaxation and catching up with several friends. Friday, I was able to visit one of the campus ministries that sponsors vtONE that I had never personally visited before, which was cool. I also got my new headphones, which will keep me entertained while the amplifiers for my studio monitors are in for service. Hopefully, I will not pick up WuVT any more when I get the amplifiers back. As much as I enjoy listening to WuVT, I’d rather not hear it on top of my iTunes library. Speaking of which, I am nearly complete getting my iTunes library in shape (reripping CDs or adding ID3 tags as appropriate). My data files are also backed up, and I’m ready to tackle the new week.