
Advent reading

Advent is the four weeks leading up to Christmas when Christians prepare for the birth of the coming Messiah. During what tends to be the busiest time of the year, I like to stop and refocus what’s going on in my life. It’s not about shopping for the best gift ever. It’s about the coming of the Savior, the one who died to save us from ourselves and allow us to be reconciled to God. One way that I like to prepare for Christmas is by reading through the books of prophecy in the Bible, focusing on the prophecies concerning the Messiah. I’ve figured out my reading plan up until Christmas, and I’m sharing that with you. Feel free to join in. Expect periodic reflections to appear here.

I’ve selected chapters that flow well together for each day. Reading is 2-4 chapters per day and covers about half of Isaiah, some Jeremiah, all of Zechariah, and the Christmas story from both Matthew and Luke. The links on the passages will take you to that day’s reading courtesy of
December 1: Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2
December 2: Isaiah 1-4
December 3: Isaiah 5-7
December 4: Isaiah 8-10
December 5: Isaiah 11-12
December 6: Isaiah 40-41
December 7: Isaiah 42-43
December 8: Isaiah 44-45
December 9: Isaiah 46-47
December 10: Isaiah 48-49
December 11: Isaiah 50-51
December 12: Isaiah 52-54
December 13: Isaiah 55-56
December 14: Isaiah 57-58
December 15: Isaiah 59-60
December 16: Isaiah 61-62
December 17: Isaiah 62-64
December 18: Isaiah 65-66
December 19: Jeremiah 23, Zechariah 1-2
December 20: Zecariah 3-5
December 21: Zecariah 6-8
December 22: Zechariah 9-11
December 23: Zechariah 12-14
December 24: Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2 (both in a paraphrase)
December 25: Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2

Virginia Tech

Surviving the storm

The semester is almost over! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

These last two weeks are still crazy for me. I have 3 projects still to do (one with full technical report), a homework assignment, a test, and five finals. It should be crazy, but this semester will be over before I know it. It’s been one rollercoaster of a semester–so much awesome stuff has happened, but the five in major classes nearly killed me. Next semester should be better.

Time to go study for my Signals and Systems test tonight.